2024 Gwendolyn V. Smith Scholarship Recipients
Alyssa Holt
Justin Whitaker
Kameron Donaldson
GNABSE is a group of professional educators aligned with the National Alliance of Black School Educators (www.NABSE.org) for the purpose of addressing issues that impact the success of children, particularly children of African descent.
OUR MISSION The Mission of the Greater Nashville Alliance of Black School Educators (GNABSE), is to promote excellence in the education of all children, particularly students of African descent.
Our Vision
Our vision is to become the premier affiliate of the National Alliance of Black School Educators.
Our Purpose
To promote and facilitate the education of all students, children of African descent, in particular.
Our Objective
Influence & impact local, state, and national policies that affect the education of all students, with a particular focus on African American students.
ACT Prep Seminar
With ZAPS Focused Test Prep from Doorway to College Foundation
The second ACT Prep seminar, for this school year, was Saturday, February 17, 2024 at First Baptist Church, Capitol Hill. Students participated in a five-hour content based seminar which focused on test taking stratigies rather than curriculum. The seminar is offered by the Doorway to College Foundation and sponsored by GNABSE. Dr. Iris C. Barbour was the instructor for the seminar.